Sada prikazujemo: Egipat - Poštanske marke (1866 - 2025) - 32 marke.
2. Siječanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¾ x 13¼
![[The 20th Anniversary of World Tourism Organization, Tip AIS]](
2. Siječanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13¼ x 12¾
![[Day of the Stamp, Tip AIT]](
![[Day of the Stamp, Tip AIU]](
![[Day of the Stamp, Tip AIV]](
25. Veljača WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¾ x 13¼
![[Festivals, Tip AIW]](
16. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¾ x 13¼
![[National Women's Day, Tip AIX]](
22. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13¼ x 12¾
![[The 50th Anniversary of Arab League, Tip AIY]](
![[The 50th Anniversary of Arab League, Tip AIZ]](
28. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¾ x 13¼
![[The 25th Anniversary of Cairo Sheraton Hotel, Tip AJA]](
7. Svibanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13¼ x 12¾
![[The 75th Anniversary of Misr Bank, Tip AJB]](
31. Svibanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¾ x 13¼
![[International Telecommunications Day, Tip AJC]](
12. Lipanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13¼ x 12¾
![[The 100th Anniversary of Discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Rontgen, Tip AJD]](
23. Srpanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13¼ x 12¾
![[The 20th Anniversary of Membership of World Heritage Committee - Luxor Statues, Tip AJF]](
![[The 20th Anniversary of Membership of World Heritage Committee - Luxor Statues, Tip AJG]](
25. Srpanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¾ x 13¼
![[Airmail - The 25th Anniversary of Arab Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Tip AJH]](
10. Rujan WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13
![[The 21st International Pediatrics Conference, Cairo, Tip AJI]](
16. Rujan WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¾ x 12½
![[International Ozone Day, Tip AJJ]](
![[International Ozone Day, Tip AJJ1]](
![[International Ozone Day, Tip AJJ2]](
25. Rujan WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12½ x 12¾
![[World Tourism Day, Tip AJK]](
27. Rujan WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12½ x 12¾
![[The 175th Anniversary of Government Printing Offices, Tip AJL]](
22. Listopad WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12½ x 12¾
![[Overhead Sun Festival, Abu Simbel, Tip AJM]](
24. Listopad WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13¼ x 12¾
![[Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of United Nations Organization, Tip AJN]](
![[Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of United Nations Organization, Tip AJO]](
![[Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of United Nations Organization, Tip AJP]](
25. Studeni WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12½ x 12¾
![[Inauguration of Esna Dam, Tip AJQ]](
20. Prosinac WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13
![[The 75th Anniversary of Egyptian Engineers Society, Tip AJR]](
21. Prosinac WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¾ x 12½
![[Artists, Tip AJS]](
![[Artists, Tip AJT]](
![[Artists, Tip AJU]](
23. Prosinac WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¾ x 12½
![[The 100th Anniversary of Motion Pictures, Tip AJV]](